Pics of Citicar Restoration

The Craigslist Ad

The Craigslist ad Pics from CL ad Pics from CL ad Pics from CL ad Pics from CL ad Pics from CL ad Pics from CL ad Pics from CL ad

Towing (?) the thing from Fresno to SF

Pics from acquiring the car Pics from acquiring the car Pics from acquiring the car Pics from acquiring the car

Part 1 - understanding the wiring harness, teardown

I have no idea what is going on with the suspension We found the missing plastic parts Dodgy connections Ratsnest of dash Ratsnest Exterior shot of the car We found a motor controller Wires stripped from interior Wires stripped from interior Part 1 Compilation

Part 2 - rewiring the dash

Part 2 Compilation The old schematic The Better Schematic Schematic Comparison A new fuse panel First Light Terminals out of stock Wiring the dash on the bench Wiring Installation How It Started... Animated GIF of the tail light

Part 3 - the rest of the wiring

12V DC/DC converter Battery box full of stuff Craigslist Lipo cells Contactor wiring Curtis controller diagram 12V DC DC converter on Aliexpress new controller on eBay power section of schematic remanufactured controller

Part 4 - bodywork and bumper

Somewhat repaired rear driver quarter Somewhat repaired rear driver quarter Somewhat repaired rear driver quarter Somewhat repaired rear driver quarter animated gif of endcap in Fusion360 finished and installed endcap

Part 5 - the motor’s fucked

Motor Mount Plate Motor inside A broken brush New Brushes Internals of the motor Car moved under its own power CNC Motor mount

Part 6 - Brakes and Diffs

Brake Drum Cleaned rear brake drum rear brake disassembly, inspection of seals Flushing the brake fluid Running in the brushes A hot differential broken threads on torque spider blown seal on torque spider a brand new torque spider rebuilt brakes

Part 7 - Body off rebuild

Citicar Body Graphics
